Ha sido publicado el último número de la revista Economía: Volume 44 Issue 88 (2021) Copy


This issue contains a Special Section on “Preferential Trade Agreements, Trade and Multilateral Liberalization”, which was edited by Patricia Tovar (Pontifical Catholic University of Peru). The number of preferential trade agreements (PTAs) has skyrocketed in the last decades, with more than 500 PTAs already notified to the World Trade Organization. The explosive increase in the quantity of trade agreements led to important contributions on their effects on trade, welfare, and worldwide protection. The Special Section contains three studies and seeks to build on those contributions by focusing on the impacts of trade agreements on trade and the labor market, and on the interaction between preferential trade agreements and multilateral trade agreements and policies.

Also, this section includes an interesting paper on the Quantile Regressions Methodology, written by Javier Alejo (University of the Republic Uruguay), Federico Favata (National University of San Martin), Gabriel Montes-Rojas (University of Buenos Aires, CONICET and University of San Andres), and Martín Trombetta (CONICET and National University of General Sarmiento). The authors illustrate these techniques using age returns and gender gap in Argentina for 2019 and 2020.

Puede leer el Volume 44 Issue 88 (2021), aquí.


Luis Garcia, Patricia Tovar


Trade Creation and Diversion Effects under the Free Trade Agreement between Peru and the United States: A Gravitational Analysis

[1-22] Gabriel Lewis Arrieta Padilla

Do preferential trade agreements favor the liberalization of trade with non-members? The case of the Andean Community

[23-44] Lakshmi Isabel Castillo Thorne

Import competition in the manufacturing sector in Peru: Its impact on informality and wages

[45-75] Fernando Morales, Martha Denisse Pierola, Dennis Sanchez-Navarro

Conditional vs Unconditional Quantile Regression Models: A Guide to Practicioners

[76-93] Gabriel Montes-Rojas, Javier Alejo, Federico Favata, Martín Trombetta