Nueva publicación de los profesores Jhonatan Clausen, Nicolas Barrantes, Patricia Ruiz Bravo y la JP Micaela Salcedo en Social Indicators Research


Los profesores Jhonatan Clausen, Nicolas Barrantes y Patricia Ruiz Bravo (Departamento de Ciencias Sociales PUCP), junto con la jefa de práctica Micaela Salcedo, publicaron el artículo Measuring Multidimensional Women’s Empowerment With Data From Partnered Women Across 45 Low- and Middle-Income Countries en la prestigiosa revista Social Indicators Research, clasificada como Q1 tanto en Scopus como en Web of Science.


We introduce a novel, policy-relevant measure of multidimensional empowerment based on the Alkire-Foster method and using data from partnered women aged 15–49 in 45 low- and middle-income countries: the Multidimensional Women’s Empowerment Index (MWEI). Our measure identifies a woman as empowered if she achieves sufficiency in at least six of its eight indicators, corresponding to four basic life domains in which women can exercise power: health, material environment, social relationships, and physical integrity. We find that in only 21 countries of our sample, the percentage of multidimensionally empowered women exceeds 50%, with countries like Mali reaching just 7.5%. Urban regions show higher MWEI values than rural regions in 37 countries. Insufficiency in physical integrity contributes up to 39% to the lack of empowerment in Papua New Guinea but only 15% in Burkina Faso, illustrating how the composition of disempowerment significantly varies across countries.

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