Paul M. Romer, Premio Nobel de Economía 2018, fue distinguido Doctor Honoris Causa por el Departamento de Economía PUCP


El pasado martes se llevó a cabo el 'XV Encuentro Internacional de Minería', organizado por la Sociedad Nacional de Minería, Petróleo y Energía. Durante este evento, nuestro Departamento de Economía de la PUCP otorgó la distinción de Doctor Honoris Causa al Profesor y Premio Nobel de Economía 2018, Paul M. Romer.

Entre las autoridades y egresados PUCP que participaron en la mesa estuvieron el Rector de la PUCP, Dr. Carlos Garatea, y nuestro Jefe del Departamento de Economía, Ph.D Gabriel Rodriguez; así como Gonzalo Quijandría, presidente del XV Encuentro y director de Asuntos Corporativos y Sostenibilidad en Minsur, y Víctor Gobitz, presidente de Antamina y de la Asociación de Egresados y Graduados PUCP.

Dicha distinción reconoce el destacado trabajo del exdirector del Banco Mundial, quien actualmente es Profesor en Boston College y lidera el recién establecido Centro para la Economía de las Ideas.

About Ph.D Paul M. Romer:

Paul Romer is one of the most important economists in the world. Professor Paul Romer is an economist and entrepreneur and co-winner of the Nobel Prize in 2018. He has developed his career at the intersection of economics, innovation, technology and urbanization, working to accelerate human progress. Professor Romer also advises business and government leaders around the world in different sectors on ways to leverage technology and innovation to drive long-term growth. Professor Paul Romer earned his Ph.D. in Economics from the University of Chicago having completed his bachelor’s degree in Mathematics from the same university in 1977.

He has many distinctions among which the Nobel Prize 2018 stands out. He received this Prize for integrating technological innovations into long-term macroeconomic analysis. Romer became interested, in the early 1980s, by how the dominant model of Robert Solow, winner of the Nobel Prize in 1987, did not explain the wide and persistent differences in output growth rates. In those times, dominant research treated technological changes as an exogenous factor. Romer showed how ideas for new goods and services could be created in the market economy. Thus, in 1990, Romer formulated his theory of endogenous growth that explains how ideas are different from other goods and require specific conditions to prosper in the market. Romer proved that unregulated markets produce technological change, but they tend to provide research and development and the new goods created, hence well-designed government policies are necessary such as subsidies and patent regulation.

Professor Romer’s publications are abundant and valuable for the progress of science economics focused on endogenous growth and macroeconomics. Due to his recognized contribution to theoretical and empirical knowledge of Economics (theory of endogenous growth, long-term growth and macroeconomics), he has a strong influence on the professors of the Department of Economics and our students.